My Commitment if Elected

I care deeply about Northampton, democracy on the local, state and federal level and the importance of facts and accuracy to counter the spread of misinformation roiling our government at all levels. I believe a strong, well-functioning and healthy local government is more important than ever in keeping our community safe and protecting the most vulnerable.

From my 29 years as a reporter/editor for the Daily Hampshire Gazette, I am familiar with the issues facing the city and understand how city government works.  I have a great respect and commitment to transparency, open government, and the role both play in a healthy democracy. I work hard to communicate clearly and efficiently, delineate facts from opinion. I am committed to open, respectful communication with constituents, elected representatives and city government leadership and rank and file city employees.

I have taken on leadership roles in the workplace and in civic organizations and the Unitarian Society where I’ve been a member for more than 30 years. In those roles, I worked to build consensus and forge a working climate that was collegial and respectful in order to bring action items to fruition.

If elected, my commitment to the residents of Ward 3 and the rest of the city as well would include:

Being accessible: I would be available to residents to hear concerns, listen to their ideas about matters coming before council and explain my actions and votes on the council

Acting with integrity: I will do my homework, rely on facts and consult with city residents and experts to arrive at decisions about matters of concern to the city.

Consider all perspectives: I understand that a city is made up of many different sectors, each having sometimes common, sometimes different, but all legitimate needs. These sectors include single people, families with young children, teenagers, senior citizens, people with disabilities, employees, residents and people visiting our community. The job of elected representatives is to acknowledge and value all of those sectors, seeking to balance their needs in the context of the common good.

Getting things done: I will show up for meetings prepared to listen and take action. I will not abstain from voting as I believe voting is a fundamental duty of elected representatives.

Finding common ground: I pledge to be direct, work to find common ground, and seek compromise when necessary around issues of importance to the community so that the greater good can be served.